

Women and Chest Pain: Overcoming Barriers to Timely and Fair Emergency Care

February 13, 2025

Join us for a discussion on how women often experience chest pain differently and why they may delay seeking care—whether due to self-assessment, challenges within the healthcare system, or feelings of embarrassment.

This webinar will focus on practical ways to support women in getting care sooner, improving communication and triage processes in emergency departments, and addressing the strain on our healthcare system to improve outcomes. 


  • Stevie Goller, Person with Lived Experience, Winnipeg, MB 
  • Meagan Nobel, BA(Kin), BScN, MN-CSRS, NP-Adult, Sudbury, ON
  • Anita Pozgay, MD, FRCPC, Ottawa, ON
  • Wendy Wray, RN, BScN, MScN, Montreal, QC
  • Lisa Comber, KTPC, BA, Ottawa, ON

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Lessons Learned and Recommendations to Ensure Equitable Care for Women with Cardiovascular Disease in Canada

February 13, 2024

This Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance (CWHHA) ATLAS Chapter 9 webinar will summarize future directions and the actions needed to achieve sex- and gender- equity for women’s cardiovascular health to correct the glaring “unders” of cardiovascular disease for women in Canada: under-awareness, under-diagnosis, under-treatment, under-researched, and under-supported.

The CWHHA ATLAS is a collection of chapters published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology Open, accompanied by detailed infographics, that report on the current state of cardiovascular disease in women. The goal of the ATLAS is to help clinicians recognize the unique aspects of women’s heart health care and provide policy-makers with the information they need to ensure equitable care for women with cardiovascular disease.

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 #HerHeartMatters: The Assessment of Women Presenting to the Emergency Department with Chest Pain

February 13, 2024

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of premature death in women in Canada.

The diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in women presenting to the emergency department can be complex and challenging. Through the perspective of a person with lived experience with cardiovascular disease and a case study, this webinar will review the management, knowledge and treatment gaps, symptoms, unique risk factors and pathophysiology of women who present to the emergency department with chest discomfort. 


  • Lisa Comber, KTPC, BA, Manager, Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance, Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre, Ottawa, ON
  • Nicole Nickerson, Person with Lived Experience, Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Advocacy, Middle Lehave, NS
  • Shahin Jaffer, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Division of Community General Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine Consultant, Surrey, BC
  • Varinder Randhawa, MD, PhD, Clinical & Research Fellow, Critical Care & Heart Failure Transplant Cardiology, University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON

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Ask the Experts! Together, Overcoming Barriers in Women’s Heart Health

February 13, 2023

What barriers exist in women’s cardiovascular health and how can we overcome them? Our expert panel of patients and healthcare providers will discuss some of the barriers, enablers and solutions around access, diagnosis, treatment and care for women’s cardiovascular health in Canada. 


  • Dr. Judy Luu, Women’s Heart Health Cardiologist (moderator)
  • Dr. Alexandra Bastiany, Interventional Cardiologist, Thunder Bay Regional Health Centre
  • Taira Birne, Lead Case Manager, SCAD Rehab, Leslie Diamond Women’s Heart Health Clinic,  Vancouver General Hospital Centre for Cardiovascular Health
  • Bobbi Jo Green, Woman with Lived Experience
  • Moira Teed, Social Worker, Senior Advisor, Public and Patient Engagement, Canadian Medical Association

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#HerHeartMatters: Let’s Start the Conversation about Women’s Heart Health

#HerHeartMatters: Let’s Start the Conversation about Women’s Heart Health

February 13, 2023

At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to describe what heart disease is and how heart disease is different in women, including signs and symptoms, list the risks for heart disease in women, provide examples of how you can take heart health action as well as describe tips for talking with your health care provider about your heart health. 


  • Marion Martell, Women@Heart Program Ambassador, Peer Leader, Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre
  • Nadine Elias, Women@Heart Program Manager, Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre

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Women's Heart and Brain Health: Ask the Experts

February 13, 2023

Learn more about women’s heart health! This was a live-streamed Q&A event to enable a conversation with experts in women’s heart & brain health. Held online and in person in Vancouver, British Columbia.


  • Dr. Lily Zhou, stroke neurologist
  • Dr. Tara Sedlak, cardiologist
  • Mahraz Parvand, women's heart health researcher and medical student
  • Aviva F., Patient Partner with Lived Experience, Young-onset Stroke
  • Kelly O., Patient Partner with Lived Experience, Young-onset Heart Disease
  • Host: Amber Belzer 

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Inspiring Others

 ► Dreaming Big
Madison Mailey, Canadian Olympic Gold Medalist, Women's 8 | Vancouver, BC

► My Heart Story and How Youth Can Take Part
Kiara Herrera, Youth Advocate | Port Coquitlam, BC

► Gymnastics and Women’s Heart Health: Making Exercise Fun at an Early Age
Balance Competitive Gymnastics Team | West Vancouver, BC

 ► Red Rhino, a Dance Space for Everyone 
Eogan Dillon, Dancer and Founder, Red Rhino

► Interview with Elite Runner, Erin Poirier
Erin Poirier | Halifax, NS and Amy Johnston | Ottawa, ON

► Adaptive Sports: The Importance of Moving
André-anne Sabourin, Adaptive Sit Skier and Amy Johnston | Ottawa, ON

 Communicating with your Healthcare Provider

 Tips When Speaking with a Healthcare Provider
Denise Johnston, Patient Advocate | Vancouver, BC

 ► Tips to Finding a Primary Care Provider
Dr. Najah Adreak, UBC | Vancouver, BC

Mental Health

► Self-Compassion in our Women participants at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Dr. Shaelyn Strachan and Brittany Semenchuck, University of Manitoba | Winnipeg, MB

Physicial Activity

► Yoga Demo: Mindfulness with Melanie and how to Maintain New Healthy Habits to Fit Within Your Already Busy Day
Yoga Within | Edmonton, AB

► Primary Prevention: Benefits and Recommendations of Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Health and Tips to Increase Motivation 
Malaïka Saint-Victor and Nour Saadawi, Women’s Healthy Heart Initiative | Montreal, QC.

► Secondary Prevention and Physical Activity: The Benefits of Exercise Following a Heart Attack (French spoken, English subtitles)
Dr. Christine Pacheco, Hôpital Pierre-Boucher and University of Montreal Health Centre, Dr. Vee-Van Le and Amélie Bréard, University of Montreal Health Centre | Montreal, QC

► Sit and Stand Exercise Demo
Robin Pohl, Halton Healthcare - Milton District Hospital | Burlington, ON

 Healthy Eating

► Grocery Store Tour - Shopping for Heart Healthy Food Options
Angela Dufour, Olympic Performance Dietician | Halifax, NS

► Chop and Chat with Chef Andy 
Chef Andy Haye, East Coast Kitchen | Halifax, NS